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All images are the sole property of Amy Robertson Photography. You must have written permission to use any and all images on this site..

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

New Lens

Just got my new lens in and wanted to share a few! The Canon 17-40mm f4/L

I love the clarity of the 'L' glass, worth every penny!!

and one to show off the wide angle (shot from maybe a foot away or less!)

I've come to realize that I need to change the color space of my photos when I save them. These are shot in RAW under the adobe RGB color space, and I need to convert them to sRGB color space to prevent the dull look given when posting on the web.... something to test and try out for later.... I'll have to post a picture saved in adobe RGB and one saved in sRGB and see what happens!!.... on my to do list then.

1 comment:

BizEMommaK said...

WOW! Love the look of the new lens! Congrats. I have one on my "wish list"!
Take Care,